August 6, 2021

Amazon Product Detail Page: These are the guidelines you need to follow

The product detail page is an opportunity for every Amazon seller to present their own products and, at best, to sell them. Accordingly, it is important that you exploit the potential of your product detail page. In addition, you should be familiar with the requirements that Amazon specifies. Accordingly, in this article we would like to discuss the general requirements as well as the guidelines for creating or editing new listings.

General requirements

The top priority is compliance with the rules for product safety. We will inform you about these in an upcoming post. You must also comply with the respective style guides. This includes that you do not use any illegal codes like HTML. In addition, content that is inappropriate for Amazon users is prohibited. Links, contact info and requests to rate the product (positively) are also undesirable. In addition, the product must be assigned to the correct category and offered for the correct country. Consequently, the language must be adapted to the Amazon marketplace, for example Also, avoid duplicating a product detail page. For branded products, a new ASIN must sometimes be created.

For brand owners, there are also new functions available that allow you to test which listing is best received by customers. You can find more information about this in this article.

Create Amazon Listing

When creating a listing, as mentioned earlier, be careful not to use code and follow the style guide. Adhering to the listing guidelines is extremely important, otherwise you may be disqualified from selling on Amazon. Also, make sure the wording of each item on the product detail page is clear and unambiguous. The product images must also comply with the guidelines. By the way, you can find them in our article on this topic.

If your product has special features of any kind, you should indicate them in the listing. Your listing must also not have any content that is against the law. A special feature applies to books, CDs or DVDs, as it is not allowed to integrate spoilers into the product detail page for these media. Furthermore, if you offer a product that is similar or almost the same as a branded product, you are still not allowed to use the same ASIN. Also, pay attention to the character count caps for the different details. In addition, the MSRP must always be correct.

Guidelines for editing

In addition to the rules for creating product detail pages, the next step is to follow the guidelines for editing. For example, if you have a new brand name for your product, you need to apply for a new ASIN. Generally, product detail pages are rarely allowed to be changed, so only if you are making improvements. However, product and brand titles must not be edited even in this case.

Amazon SEO

Now that we have clarified the requirements for detail pages, we would like to talk about another aspect that will help you with successful marketing: Amazon SEO. The term comes from English and means that content on a website is optimized to increase visibility, in this case on Amazon. When your customers search for a product, they are more likely to come across yours if it has been optimized accordingly beforehand. If you have any further questions about Amazon SEO, feel free to write to us briefly and without obligation! If you would also like to read more, you can find a more detailed article in our blog here.

That was our overview of the guidelines for detail pages on Amazon. Do you have any general questions regarding online sales? Then you are welcome to contact us. We are always ready to help you with words and deeds. Feel free to send us a message - of course completely without obligation.

MadeByBrain - Amazon Seller Agency

We look forward to hearing from you.

via Amazon Seller Central




geschrieben von Katrin Hartmann-Seifert

Amazon SEO -, E-Commerce Expertin, Krypto-Lover und Life-Coach.
Katrin gründete MadeByBrain in 2015 zusammen mit Ihrem Mann.

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