Amazon sellers who sell toys on the sales platform should observe some guidelines. We therefore present the most important Amazon Handmade guidelines in this article. Also interesting this week: The new size attributes for clothing. Finally, we inform you about the new Amazon labelling service.
Amazon has recently pointed out that sellers of handmade toys must comply with certain guidelines. As part of this, firstly, you must follow the general Handmade guidelines. In addition, you must operate within the legal basis of each country in which you trade for your products. For toys, for example, the safety requirements of the European Union must be met. This also applies to products that have another purpose, such as backpacks or trailers. If you find it difficult at first to get an overview of the Amazon guidelines, whether in this category or another, you are welcome to contact us here.
On February 22, 2021, new size attributes for clothing will be introduced on Amazon. The most important change is that values are no longer simply entered but must be selected from a list of standard sizes. The attributes include clothing size, body type and size type. The new attributes apply to, for example, dresses, sweatshirts, bathrobes, waistcoats and many more. So, if you sell clothing on Amazon, you should familiarise yourself with the new size attributes.
A new labelling service is now available on Amazon. This is available for "Small and Light" stock on Amazon FBA in the UK, France, Germany, Spain, and Italy. Therefore, you should check with the fees for the service in the respective country. In addition, some preparation services are now available, allowing items to be packed in bags, bubble wrap or tape. The new Amazon labelling service will also make the transition easier when shipping to the UK, as an individual tracking code will be required from June 6, 2021. Amazon will also inform you directly if any charges should change.
That was the most important Amazon news of the week. Do you have any further questions about the Amazon Handmade guidelines or perhaps about Amazon SEO? We will be happy to provide you with advice and support in this regard. Simply send us a message - without any obligation, of course.
MadeByBrain - Agency for Amazon Sellers
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