January 28, 2022

Jungle Scout Sales Analytics: features, prices and experience

With Sales Analytics, Jungle Scout provides its customers with a tool to analyze exactly how your products are performing. In this article, we will therefore go into all the details you need to know about Sales Analytics. You will also learn which feature is new in the tool. Furthermore, we take a look at the different offers from Jungle Scout and share the experiences we have made so far.

Jungle Scout Sales Analytics Functions

Jungle Scout makes it easy for you to search for data on your items: all you need to have at hand is the name of the product or the ASIN. Then Sales Analytics will show you exactly how much revenue was generated. You will also learn more about the results of your advertising campaigns. In addition, the tool provides you with important details about the costs for suppliers and shipping. For a better overview, you can also create a profit and loss statement. In this way, the Jungle Scout tool helps you identify and eliminate unnecessary money guzzlers. Sales Analytics also has a new feature to offer: Profit Overview, which is available in several Jungle Scout tools, allows you to compare important data on sales and profit figures.

Jungle Scout Prices

There are three different offers at Jungle Scout. The good thing about Jungle Scout Sales Analytics is that it is even fully included in all offers. Below you can see the exact prices:

  • Basic Plan for $92 per month
  • Suite: $49 per month
  • Professional: $84 per month

At this point we would like to point you to our link: With our Jungle Scout Code** for the Suite offer you can either book one month and save 10% or book three months and save 20%. If you book a whole year, there is even a 30% discount!

Sales Analytics Experience

Our experience with Jungle Scout's Sales Analytics has been very positive. There are usually no problems with the operation and the key figures are easy to understand. Especially the connection to the other tools in the form of Profit Overview is a useful addition. Since Sales Analytics is even fully included in the Starter Plan, you can also benefit from the advantages in a low-priced offer!

That was our contribution to Jungle Scout Sales Analytics. Do you have any further questions about Jungle Scout or any other Amazon tool? Then feel free to contact us. We are always ready to help you with words and deeds. Feel free to send us a message - without any obligation, of course.

MadeByBrain - Amazon Seller Agency

We look forward to hearing from you.

via Jungle Scout Features


* annual payment

** Affiliate Link



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