September 13, 2021

Amazon Reviews Guidelines for Sellers

Reviews on Amazon have a great significance for sellers. They serve as orientation for customers when buying a product. Therefore, it is important that you receive positive reviews and can react accordingly in case of negative ones. However, there are some guidelines to follow. We would like to present these to you in this article. We will go into general requirements and also show you what you should avoid at all costs. In addition, we will go into what makes a good customer support.

Guidelines for Amazon Reviews

First and foremost, Amazon reviews must comply with the guidelines that apply to customers. However, sellers must also adhere to them. For example, it is prohibited to provide reviews for competing products or to offer money to someone for writing a positive review. This also applies to refunds. Employees or family members are also prohibited from writing reviews for products that a Seller offers. It is also forbidden to try to change the buyer's mind if the buyer might express a negative opinion. Furthermore, sellers should avoid attaching requests for positive reviews to the products they ship.

What is the penalty for non-compliance?

Violations of Amazon's review policy may result in legal sanctions. You should therefore only contact customers regarding reviews if you wish to discuss issues. However, an attempt to positively influence reviews may result in the above-mentioned consequences. Therefore, avoid negatively reviewing competitors' products or paying third parties for a positive review at all costs.

Our customer support

If you need help with customer communication, you have come to the right place. We take care of all the concerns your customers raise and always strive to bring about a positive outcome. Accordingly, with us you avoid violations of any guidelines. Satisfied customers also make for better reviews without having to ask for them directly. For more information on this and other services, click here.

These were the most important guidelines for Amazon reviews. Do you have any further questions about selling online or need help with Amazon SEO? Then feel free to contact us. We are always available to help and advise you. Feel free to write us a message - of course completely without obligation.

MadeByBrain - Amazon Seller Agency

We look forward to hearing from you.

via Seller Central



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