February 21, 2021

Meistertask: The perfect management tool for your team

If you are an Amazon Seller and manage large projects, it is advisable to use a management tool to support you. For this reason, we introduce you to Meistertask. The software offers you numerous functions with which you can manage your projects, coordinate cooperation with colleagues and analyse results. In addition to the individual features, we will also inform you about the Meistertask prices and share our own experiences with the management tool.

Meistertask functions

To help you keep an overview in every situation, Meistertask has been equipped with several useful functions. Consequently, the features are particularly useful when working together on a project. In addition, there are functions that are specifically intended for administrators. The Meistertask integrations increase the scope of action within which your team operates. We would now like to present the exact details to you!

Project management

To get an overview, your current projects are illustrated in clear boards. You can define as many columns as you like in which you can insert information. If some of this information is not relevant to a task, you can simply hide it for the time you are working on it. To get the most important information in seconds, you can also filter according to when a task is to be completed, who is working on it and how far the editing process has progressed. You can also monitor the last point in a suitable timeline. Furthermore, many work steps can be automated by Meistertask. Another practical feature is the storage of tasks that are due again and again. This way, you can simply fall back on the old template for a new project and thus save a lot of time! To ensure that none of your team members lose focus, you can also introduce work limits. This will help you achieve higher productivity in the end.

Tasks within a project

Meistertask helps you coordinate individual tasks in addition to general project management. For example, you can use the software to conveniently determine who must do which task. Afterwards, the overview is easy to maintain thanks to the observer perspective. You can also specify by when a task should be completed. You can make simple extrapolations via the "time recording" feature. Furthermore, you are free to add additional information to your tasks. This also includes file attachments. However, these must not exceed the maximum size of 200 MB. You can also check the completeness of the processing with the help of checklists. The organisation is also facilitated by tags. These include, for example, the type of task or its priority within the project.


So that you know how successfully your current projects are running, Meistertask analyses the most important data and provides you with the appropriate reports. These inform you about the progress of the tasks. You can also have safety reports delivered to you. All reports are also available for you to download.

Functions for administrators

The Meistertask administrator account allows you to control as well as assign tasks. It is up to you whether you grant your team members access to certain projects or whether you revoke it. You can determine whether your colleagues are administrators, simple team members, commentators or readers. Cooperation usually works best when the projects are visible to everyone and everyone can participate in them. By the way, the Business offer has a particularly large number of functions for administrators.


To ensure the success of a project, good communication within your team is essential. Meistertask therefore supports you in this task. You can comment on each task and react to the comments of other employees. To address them directly, simply use "@Name". The team member addressed will then receive a notification. The same function is also available for groups. Use "@all" for this. Furthermore, Meistertask informs you by e-mail about important status messages that relate to your projects.


Meistertask not only offers you a wide range of its own functions. You can also integrate further tools. These help to expand the functionality even more. The best-known integrations include Dropbox, Microsoft Teams, Google Drive or Outlook. In addition, a variety of other tools are available for a Meistertask integration.

Other functions

If you have previously used another project management tool, you can import the information there into Meistertask. This works for Asana or Trello, for example. Meistertask also offers an agenda. There you can record personal goals and tasks for each project. You can also configure your own checklist in your own dashboard.

Master Task App

There is a Meistertask app for Apple, Android, and Windows users. This ensures that you always have an overview of your projects, even when you are on the road. So, if something changes in a task or you need to intervene in a work process, the app gives you the basis to react immediately.

Meistertask Prices

There are four different rates that you can book with Meistertask. To give you an overview, we have listed the offers:

  • Basic: free of charge
  • Pro: 8,25 Euro per month
  • Business: 75 per month
  • Enterprise: Price after arrangement

In the free Basic tariff, you can work on three projects at the same time, but there are limits on the number of integrations and the size of the attachments, for example. In the Pro offer, on the other hand, there are no limits on the number of projects or integrations. However, if you want to perfect your projects down to the smallest detail, you should choose the Business tariff. In addition to the features of the Pro tariff, the Business tariff offers a useful timeline, individual grouping and prioritised support. You can find more information here. If you prefer an individual combination of features, you can also choose the Enterprise tariff.

Our Meistertask experience

We have tested Meistertask and would now like to share our own experiences with you: The tool is the perfect support in all areas of project management. As an Amazon agency, we ourselves always have several projects that we have to take care of at the same time. Therefore, we were able to benefit greatly from the clear handling of the software. Some of the work steps were simplified so much that we were able to save a lot of work. In our opinion, the Meistertask business features are the perfect combination of simple but effective functions. Overall, Meistertask is currently the best project management tool for Amazon Sellers.

That's all you need to know about Meistertask. Do you have any further questions about project management for Amazon sellers or need help with Amazon SEO? Then you are welcome to contact us. We are always ready to help you with words and deeds. Feel free to send us a message - without any obligation, of course.

MadeByBrain - Agency for Amazon Sellers

We look forward to hearing from you.

via Meistertask

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