August 30, 2021

Helium 10 Portals: Create landing pages for Amazon

Helium 10 has recently released several new tools for Amazon Sellers. This time we would like to introduce you to another one: Helium 10 Portals. With Portals, landing pages can be created that lead users directly to an Amazon listing. Accordingly, we will explain how the whole thing works and what special features the tool includes. We also inform you about the Helium 10 costs and share our own experiences.

Helium 10 Portals Functions

With Portals, Helium 10 has created a tool that allows Amazon sellers to create links that lead directly to their listings. Users of the tool have numerous options for configuring the created landing pages and filling them with the appropriate data. Ideally, you thus ensure that customers buy items that you had previously purchased. Particularly useful are the QR codes that you can create at Portals. This also gives smartphone users the option to go directly to Amazon listings. Helium 10 also offers the option to view data so you can optimize your strategy in the future. The landing pages will also help you attract customers on social media and further establish your brand. Furthermore, you can integrate Google Analytics with the tool, among other things.

Helium 10 Prices

Helium 10 Portals is unfortunately not integrated in the free version* of Helium 10 or in the Starter Plan. However, the tool is fully included in the following offers:

  • Platinum Plan: $99 per month à3 portals
  • Diamond Plan: $249
    per month à6 portals
  • Elite Plan: $399 per month à9 portals

If you also want to save money when using Helium 10, we have another tip for you: With our Helium 10 code KATRIN6M20 you can save 20 % for 6 months or 10% every month! You can find all the information here*.

Helium 10 Portals Experience

We have tested Helium 10 Portals for you and can draw a positive conclusion. The landing pages make products more visible and appeal not only to customers on Amazon directly, but also on other sites. We also had no problems with the operation of the tool. Therefore, we are sure that this will be the case even for beginners who have worked less with Amazon tools so far. We can therefore give our recommendation for Helium 10 Portals.

That was the most important information about Helium 10 Portals. Do you have any further questions about another Helium 10 tool or about Amazon SEO in general? Then feel free to contact us. We are always ready to help you with words and deeds. Feel free to write us a message - of course completely without obligation.

MadeByBrain - Amazon Seller Agency

We look forward to hearing from you.

via Helium 10


*affiliate link



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