Products, industries, competition: Our in-depth analyses provide information about your potential on Amazon.
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How should you position yourself on Amazon to become or remain competitive? Which of your products are especially made for your Amazon business and which strengths can you play off against your competitors? We analyse relevant product niches. Based on the results, we give you precise recommendations for practical application.
New to Amazon? These are your competitors.
Would you like to know in advance what to expect and how your industry is positioned on Amazon? We analyse your competitive environment beforehand and provide you with relevant information so that you can fully exploit your opportunities. This gives you an overview and enables you to make well-founded decisions.
Keeping an eye on competitor products
Which products do your competitors offer and how are they showcased? Just like your own products, our Amazon experts analyse the offers of your closest competitors. What content do your competitors present, what prices are set and what changes in keywords and ranking does this result in? We will keep you up to date on a regular basis.
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