December 20, 2021

Jungle Scout Review Automation: Request Amazon reviews automatically

Every Amazon seller knows how important it is to get many and good reviews. However, many customers don't review the products they buy on their own. Amazon policies also restrict sellers from requesting reviews. However, there is a tool that helps you with this very problem. Jungle Scout Review Automation automatically requests customer reviews and is even approved by Amazon. We'll show you how the tool works, how much it costs, and what Amazon sellers have experienced with it.

How does Jungle Scout Review Automation work?

With Jungle Scout Review Automation you can request reviews from your customers. However, you don't have to do anything yourself, since the tool is completely automated. Accordingly, you'll save a lot of time. All you need to do is to set the preferences in the tool so that all buyers receive a review request after receiving the order. Fittingly, Review Automation will show you what the order status is and if a request has already been made. If you're interested, you can also see how many man-hours you've already saved by not having to make manual requests.

Jungle Scout Prices

There are three different offers at Jungle Scout. The Basic Plan for $39 per month does not include the tool. In the following offers*, however, you can use Review Automation without restrictions:

  • Suite: $49 per month
  • Professional: $84 per month

At this point we would like to point you to our link: With our Jungle Scout Code** for the Suite offer you can either book one month and save 10% or book three months and save 20%. If you book a whole year, there is even a 30% discount!

Review Automation Experience

Numerous Amazon sellers have already had good experiences with Jungle Scout Review Automation. Especially the time savings have paid off. For example, "Shark Tank" participant Kim Meckwood was able to increase the number of her reviews by 6 times within 7 months using the tool. If you also want to focus on your core business and collect reviews at the same time, we can highly recommend Review Automation!

This was our overview of Jungle Scout Review Automation. Do you have any further questions about Jungle Scout or another Amazon tool? Then feel free to get in touch with us. We are always ready to help you with words and deeds. Feel free to send us a message - without any obligation, of course.

MadeByBrain - Agency for Amazon Sellers

We look forward to hearing from you.

via Jungle Scout Features


* annual payment

** affiliate link




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